St Matthew's C of E Primary School


Constitution of our Governing Body

If spaces are shown in the table below, this indicates places within the constitution which can optionally be filled.  Where vacancies are shown this indicates places within the constitution which should be filled.
Nominating Authority: Nottinghamshire County Council First Appointed Term Start Term End
Co-opted governors
Mrs Helen Cross
Mr Gavin Evans
Mr Chris Pegg
Victoria Ffoulkes-Jones
14 Jan 2016
11 Nov 2021
11 Nov 2021
13 Jul 2023
14 Jan 2024
24 Mar 2022
11 Nov 2021
13 Jul 2023
13 Jan 2028
23 Mar 2026
10 Nov 2025
12 Jul 2027
Staff governors
Mrs Sally Beaman

14 Feb 2018
21 Feb 2022
20 Feb 2026
Local Authority Governors
Mrs Susan Sinclair
14 Jan 2016
13 Jan 2024
12 Jan 2028
Parent governors
Mrs Sarah Nolleth
Mrs Laura Stacey
07 Oct 2021
05 Dec 2019
07 Oct 2021
05 Dec 2023
06 Oct 2025
04 Dec 2027
Executive Headteacher
Mrs Kathryn King

01 Sep 2019
Foundation Diocesan Board of Education Appointed
Canon Nigel Spraggins
15 Dec 2021
15 Dec 2021
14 Dec 2025


David Purveur 27 September 2022
Dr. Elizabeth Jones 25 January 2023
Revd. Gregory Price 30 April 2024

Financial Reporting

Federation Register of Governors' Interests - Autumn 2023

Meeting Attendance

Meeting Attendance: Y = Attended N = Apologies Accepted, NA = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies sent,

? = Attendance Not Marked, Blank = Not Required



In the Summer Term of 2022 the governing body took the decision that there would be two Full Governing Body Meetings per term and that (a) link governor(s) would be assigned to the financial monitoring within school. The Full Governing Body have retained responsibility for financial decisions as detailed in this policy, these decisions are made at a Full Governing Body Meeting.