St Matthew's C of E Primary School

The Christopher Robins ( Class 1)

“You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

In Christopher Robins, we welcome everyone that joins our class. We are kind, caring and friendly and love to spend time playing with our friends in between our learning time.

We learn through our own experiences and love to explore the world around us to further our knowledge and skills. We are all special in our own way and we are proud of the things we achieve.


 Daily Routines

Children begin the school day at 8:45 am and are encouraged to be independent by organising their own belongings. The children register with either Miss Lower or Mrs White. We have whole school assembly or collective worship every morning at 9am.

On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday an English lesson is taught first, up until playtime at 10:15am. After playtime at 10:30am the children take part in a phonics lesson in their own year group, lasting 20-25 minutes. At 11am the children participate in a maths lesson, which leads us up to lunchtime at 12pm (which at this point we have some very hungry tummys!).

At 1pm the children come in and register for the afternoon. The afternoon is split into two lessons with a break in between at 2:05-2:15pm. These lessons range from understanding the world, expressive art, personal, social and emotional development and physical development for children in reception and science, history, geography, art, design and technology, computing, RSHE and PE for KS1. In addition, Group Reading sessions are taught in the afternoon which last up to 20 minutes. 

On Wednesday the children join in with an exciting music lesson with Mr Higgins, therefore the time tabling of the day only allows us for English, Phonics, Maths, Group Reading and one other lesson.

Lessons for Reception are approximately 20-30 minutes long (English, Maths and Topic).

Lessons for KS1 are approximately 40-50 minutes long (English, Maths and Topic).

All the children are offered a snack before morning playtime.


Federation Planners

Children in Reception receive a reading diary which is used at school and home to record reading.

Children in Year 1 and 2 receive a school planner which is used at school and home to record reading. The school planner also has useful tools such as times tables, grow the code chart for phonics and tricky word lists to support children with their learning.

School planners, reading diaries and reading books need to be brought to school every day.



All children are expected to read 3 times a week. This can be their group reading book or their reading for pleasure book. Whether your child has read to you or you have shared a book with your child please record this in the reading diary/ school planner.

Children who have read at least 3 times in a week are entered into a Reading Raffle, where they have the chance to win a prize!

Children in Christopher Robins have the choice of a reading pet when they join the class. Reading pets like being read to everyday, they enjoy all types of stories and books and get very excited when these are shared with them. They love going to school every day and learning new things with their friends, but they like to go home with their owner at the end of the day.


Supporting your child with reading

Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing their practice at home.

There are two types of reading book that your child will have access to at home:


A group reading book. This will be at the correct phonic stage for your child. They should be able to read this fluently and independently. It will have been already shared 3 times across the week at school with their reading group and an adult. This book is available by logging onto Collins EBooks with your child’s personal log in details.


Reading for pleasure book.  Your child may not be able to read this on their own. This book is for you both to read and enjoy together. In order to encourage your child to become a lifelong reader, it is important that they learn to read for pleasure. The sharing book is a book they have chosen for you to enjoy together. This can be a book from home or the one your child has chosen from school.


Homework Expectations

Children in reception are expected to practise the phonics that have been taught in school. New phonemes/ graphemes are sent home weekly.

Children in KS1 are expected to complete maths homework and practise 10 spellings which reflects what they have been learning in school. There is a spelling test every Friday morning.

Homework is sent out on Fridays and is to be handed in by the following Thursday.

Children can earn themselves extra dojo points for homework.



The children participate in a PE lesson every Thursday and Friday. Children in EYFS have PE every Friday. Children are to come to school in their PE kits which consists of red or black leggings or joggers, white t-shirt and their school jumper/cardigan and trainers.


Useful links to websites- add websites to support the children in your class