St Matthew's C of E Primary School

The Satellites ( Class 3)

Welcome to Satellites Class where we work together to learn and support each other to be the best we can be. We are encouraged to take on additional responsibility and many of us enjoy being play leaders, values mentors and collective worship leaders.

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare.



We love the calm atmosphere for learning in our bright and friendly classroom in the center of the school.


Daily Routines

Children begin the school day at 8:45 am where they have registration which includes an independent learning activity or challenge which is usually maths based. We have whole school assembly or collective worship on Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Each morning we learn English, which includes writing, spelling, handwriting and reading, and Maths. On a Wednesday morning we also have music lessons with Mr Higgins, our specialist Music teacher, where we learn to play ukulele as well as singing. We have one hour for Maths each day and the elements of English are taught over one and half hours in one long session followed by shorter sessions for handwriting/spelling/reading, with the exception of Wednesdays, where we have our Music tuition music and English lasts for 1 hour on a Wednesday.

All the children are encouraged to bring a fruit snack for morning playtime which is from 10:15 – 10:30am.


Lunch break is between 12:00 Midday and 1:00pm.

At 1pm the children come in and register for the afternoon. The afternoon is split into two lessons with a break in between at 2:05-2:15pm. These lessons include RE and Computing as well as our foundation subjects: History/Geography, French, RHSE, Art/DT, PE and Science.


Federation Planners

Children in Year 5 and 6 receive a school planner which is used at school and home to record reading. The school planner also has useful pages such as times tables and spelling lists for Year 5 and 6 children to read and spell.

School planners and reading books need to be brought to school every day.



All children are expected to read 3 times a week. When your child has read to you or you have shared a book with your child, please record this in the reading diary/ school planner. Children who have read at least 3 times in a week are given a reading dojo and are entered into a Reading Raffle, where they have the chance to win a prize!


Children in Satellites have access to a good selection of fiction and non-fiction books in our lovely reading area. We also enjoy having a class story. In addition, each term we have an Author of the Term where we share extracts from some of their books and have access to a number of their books which the children can read and recommend to their friends.


Supporting your child with reading

Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing to encourage them to read at home. There is a wealth of evidence to support the fact that children who read for pleasure have better language development and literacy skills, better educational outcomes as well as better socio-economic outcomes. Sharing a book can be an important shared time for parents and children and they are not too old to enjoy this even in year 6!



The children participate in a PE lesson every Tuesday and Friday. Children can bring their PE Kits to school on a Tuesday and take them home on Fridays. Our PE kit consists of red or black shorts, black leggings or joggers, white t-shirt and their school jumper/cardigan and trainers.


Useful links

Useful links to websites- add websites to support the children in your class