St Matthew's C of E Primary School

Our Federation

The Kite Primary Federation is a federation of two small, rural, church village schools  comprising of Norwell C of E Primary School and St Matthews C of E Primary School. The schools formally joined together in 2016, under an executive head, with the aim of improving the educational offer of both schools to the children in their communities. By federating together, new and exciting possibilities emerged including greater collaboration across the two schools for children, families and staff.  Both schools have a strong individual identity which have meshed together to create a strong and effective federation. 

Children across both schools have numerous and regular opportunities to work together across the whole curriculum. For example, they compete in sporting activities together, they go on extra curricular trips, residentials are held jointly. Pre-school children get together to have picnics and play and build new friendships that will take them through secondary school.  The federation also holds a joint Sports Day which is held at each school (alternating yearly across each site) along with many other events and opportunities where the children have the chance to work and learn alongside their peers.  

Families also benefit from the opportunity to build wider friendships across the federation and look forward to meeting up at events like plays, sports days and fairs. 

Staff across the federation lead subjects across both schools enabling them to further develop middle leadership skills alongside gaining a deeper understanding of their area.  Through the close collaboration, staff support each other across the schools enhancing staff wellbeing. 

Being part of a federation where everyone - children, families, staff and governors - all have one aim in mind - to help everyone to flourish and grow to become the best version of themselves.