St Matthew's C of E Primary School

FONS ( Friends of Normanton School)

Welcome to Friends of Normanton School (FONS)

We are a group of parents who organise regular fundraising and social events throughout the year to bring the school community together. 

Past events have included Christmas and summer fairs, parties, Break the School Rules day, family bingo and Easter egg hunts. Please follow our Facebook page for updates (Friends of Normanton School - FONS).

Our fundraising provides new equipment for the children, such as laptops and toys,  and we also subsidise school trips, buy food for the Christmas party and other school events.

We are always looking for volunteers to get involved – please email if you’d like to join the team / volunteer at an event.  Any time you can give would be fantastic!

If you would like to support the school, for example, by donating a raffle prize, we’d love to hear from you.

We are hugely grateful to those who support us including parents, their families, and several local businesses, who all contribute to our thriving school community.  

The FONS team                     



Friends of Normanton School (FONS)