St Matthew's C of E Primary School


Expectations for school uniform:

At St Matthew’s C of E Primary School – Our school’s uniform is:

  • White or red polo shirt – with optional school logo
  • White blouse or shirt (optional)
  • Red jumper / sweatshirt / cardigan – with optional school logo
  • Grey or black skirt / pinafore / trousers
  • Sensible plain footwear e.g. black leather shoes with no heels (trainers are not allowed – no flip fops in summer)
  • Red and white checked dress in the summer (optional)

    NB – Jewellery must not be worn for health and safety reasons and where ears are pierced, only small studs are permitted to be worn. Exceptions can only be made for medical or religious reasons. 

    P.E. Kit

    For reasons of Health and Safety it is important that no jewellery is worn during P.E. or swimming.  Long hair should also be tied back.

    Our P.E. uniform is:

  • White t-shirt
  • Plain red/black shorts
  • Plimsolls for indoors
  • Trainers for outdoor PE
  • Tracksuit bottoms / leggings – dark colours
  • School sweatshirt or jumper – No branded Sports wear

For swimming a full swimming costume (not bikini) or swimming trunks should be worn – N.B. swimming shorts are not welcomed at the swimming baths for health and safety reasons. A towel will be needed from home.

      Where to purchase it

  • Parents and carers can obtain uniform from:
    • Or can be bought more widely, e.g. from ‘high-street’ retailers
    • Nearly new uniform sales/exchanges will take place periodically throughout the year
    • Requests for nearly new uniform items can be made via the school office